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Lovesick VR Coming in 2025

Lovesick VR

Step into Middle-America, 1999, and join The New Agenda in their most challenging journey yet. After a grueling tour that has left them emotionally drained and flat broke, the four band members return to their dilapidated home with nothing in the fridge, nothing in the bank, and a future filled with uncertainty and questions. [ ADD TO WISH LIST ]

“How the hell are we gonna scrape together next month’s rent?” the drummer, Tommi, asks the group.

“Well, maybe we’d have some cash if we had an album to tour,” responds Dom, lead guitar and vocals. “When is Nik going to finally finish writing something?”

Nik shouts back from the kitchen, “I’m WORKING on—” but Tommi cuts her off. “How are we supposed to book a show if nobody ever wants to practice?”

The band is still chasing the dream of completing their elusive full-length album but can’t survive a band practice without tearing each other apart. Just when they thought things couldn’t get worse, a supernatural event dubbed “the Feedback” plunges them into a twisted alternate reality.

In LOVESICK, you assume the role of Sam, the band’s bassist, navigating strange environments imprisoning his bandmates. Each surreal mindscape reflects the memories, fears, and ambitions of the person trapped within. Sam becomes the crumbling band’s last hope, piecing together the mystery behind the Feedback and determining the fate of The New Agenda. He must find his bandmates before they’re swallowed whole by their troubled minds. [ ADD TO WISH LIST ]

Coming to Meta Quest in 2025, LOVESICK promises a gripping narrative and immersive gameplay. Prepare to dive into this emotional and supernatural journey, where every decision impacts the future of The New Agenda. Can you help Sam save his friends and the band, or will they be lost forever in their own minds?

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